Jaime was born in a hospital in Bellshill. As you might expect, this was a bit of a strain to put on someone so young. I mean, imagine if you came into the world, fresh, new and full of potential, and the first thing you saw was Bellshill. Still, things hardly improved when he left, as his parents lived in Airdrie. Not only that, but to get to Airdrie from Bellshill, you have to drive through Coatbridge.
Having survived this initial ordeal, Jaime was brought up by good parents and attended a private school. Unfortunately, he was still living in Airdrie. This unusual combination of influences resulted in him having something of a 2-sided personality – to this day, Jaime still feels like a smart boy who has an ‘inner ned’ yearning to break free.
It was at the aforementioned school that Jaime met Nex, who inspired him to play guitar. Jaime still has sympathy for Mrs. Tweedy, the chemistry teacher who resided in the lab next door to the music department. From that point on, Jaime continued taking well-written, thoughtful songs and reducing them to inane pieces of 4-chord drivel. Then, one day, he discovered the mystery of weird chords with psychedelic, spaced-out open strings (Em7#5b9 anyone?), just the sort of thing that would work well in a band context. Playing John to Nex’s Paul, this development led to the birth of Engeo as we know it.